主讲课程:本科《物理污染控制学》; 研究生《分子生态毒理学》
围绕有机污染物的环境过程和生物有效性以及环境风险,开展了系统研究。主持和承担了科研项目14项,其中主持国家级项目7项(国家自然科学基金5项)。在Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry、Environmental Pollution、Water Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials 和Analytical Chemistry等期刊上发表学术论文64篇,其中SCI论文49篇(第一或通讯作者SCI论文26篇)。论文他引频次为2088次,h-index 为23。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,22076141,藻源细胞结合有机质溶出特征及碘代有机物生成和毒性效应研究,2021/01-2024/12,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21777122,基于稳定同位素稀释法和固相微萃取研究水环境中微塑料结合态HOCs的生物有效性,2018/01-2021/12,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21577103,基于鱼血模型研究几种典型人用药物的Read-across假设,2016/01-2019/12,已结题,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21277100 ,溶解性有机质对水环境中典型PPCPs的生物有效性的影响研究,2013/01-2016/12,已结题,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,21007047,水环境中富勒烯对典型持久性有机污染物生物有效性的影响及其机制研究,2011/01-2013/12,已结题,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,21437004 ,土壤结合态农药的生物可利用性与潜在毒性, 2015/01-2019/12,已结题,项目研究骨干
7. 国家科技重大专项-水体污染控制与治理专项(子课题任务),2017ZX07207002-04,养殖业抗生素和激素类新型污染物迁移转化规律研究,2017/01-2020/12,在研,第二负责人
8. 国家科技重大专项-水体污染控制与治理专项(子课题任务),2014ZX07402-001,药物及个人护理用品检测方法的开发与标准化,2014/01-2018/06,已结题,主持
9. 国家科技重大专项-水体污染控制与治理专项(子课题任务),2008ZX07420-004,典型有毒有害物质水质污染预警技术研究,2008/09 -2010/12;已结题,主持
10. 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师),20090072120058,典型环境内分泌干扰物的非典型剂量效应关系及其机制研究,2010/01 -2012/12;已结题,主持
11. 中央高校基本科研费-bat365官网登录入口青年英才计划优青项目,0400219236,几种典型内分泌干扰物在东海近海海产品中的分布特征及食物链迁移机制,2013/01 -2014/12,已结题,主持
12. 中央高校基本科研费-bat365官网登录入口高等研究院,0400219155,水环境中纳米铁对典型重金属的形态和生物有效性的影响,2011/01-2013/12,已结题,主持
13. bat365官网登录入口青年优秀人才培养行动计划,2008KJ020,纳米材料水性悬浮液中典型持久性有机物污染物的生物有效性研究,2008/12-2010/12,已结题,主持
14. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室青年基金项目,PCRRY08012,纳米材料对典型持久性有毒污染物生物有效性的影响,2008/05-2009/12,已结题,主持
1. Hao, J.Y.; He, Y.; Hu, X.L.*; Yin, D.Q.; Zhang, H.C.; Hu, S.Q.; Shen, G.X. Bioaccessibility evaluation of pharmaceuticals in market fish with in vitro simulated digestion. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 411, 125039.
2. Li, Z.W.;Hu, X.L.*; Qin, L.X..; Yin, D.Q. Evaluating the effect of different modified microplastics on the availability of polycyclic aromatic aromatic hydrocarbons. Water Research 2020,170, 115290.
3. Bao, Y.F.; Huang, W.P.; Hu, X.L.*; Yin, D.Q. Distribution of 31 endocrine-disrupting compounds in the Taihu Lake and application of the fish plasma model. Environmental Sciences Europe 2020, 32(1), 80.
4. Xiao, J.X.;Hu, X.L.*;Wang, K. et al. A novel signal amplification strategy based on the competitive reaction between 2D Cu-TCPP(Fe) and polyethyleneimine (PEI) in the application of an enzyme-free and ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for sulfonamide detection. Biosensors& Bioelectronics 2020, 150, 111883.
5. Yang, M.Y.; Wu, X.Y.;Hu, X.L.*;et al. Electrochemical immunosensor based on Ag+-dependent CTAB-AuNPs for ultrasensitive detection of sulfamethazine. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2019, 144, 111643.
6. Liu, Y.Y. ; Hu, X.L.* ; Bao, Y.F.; Yin, D. Q. Simultaneous determination of 29 pharmaceuticals in fish muscle and plasma by ultrasonic extraction followed by SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Separation Science 2018, 41(10), 2139-2150.
7. Xu, Z.F.; Li, X; Hu, X.L.* ; Yin, D.Q. Distribution and relevance of iodinated X-ray contrast media and iodinated trihalomethanes in an aquatic environment. Chemosphere 2017, 184, 253-260.
8. Hu, X.L.* ; Bao, Y.F. ; Hu, J.J. ; Liu, Y.Y. ; Yin, DQ. Occurrence of 25 pharmaceuticals in Taihu Lake and their removal from two urban drinking water treatment plants and a constructed wetland.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017, 24 (17), 14889-14902.
9. Hu, X.L.; Gu, Y.Y.; Huang, W.P.; Yin, D.Q.* Phthalate monoesters as markers of phthalate contamination in wild marine organisms. Environmental Pollution 2016, 218:410-418.
10. Gu, Y.Y.; Yu, J.; Hu, X.L.*; Yin, D.Q. Characteristics of the alkylphenol and bisphenol A distributions in marine organisms and implications for human health: A case study of the East China Sea. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 539, 460-469.
11. Hu, X.L.; Li, J.; Shen, M.H.; Yin, D.Q.* Fullerene associated phenanthrene contributes to bioaccumulation but is not toxic to fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2015, 34 (5), 1023–1030.
12. Li, X.; Hu, J.J.; Yin, D.Q.; Hu, X.L.* Solid phase extraction coupled with ultra performance liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry for the highly sensitive determination of five iodinated X-ray contrast media in environmental water samples. Journal of Separation Science 2015, 38(11), 1998-2005.
13. Chen, Q. Q.; Yin, D. Q.; Li, J.;Hu, X. L.* The effects of humic acid on the uptake and depuration of fullerene aqueous suspensions in two aquatic organisms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2014, 33(5), 1090–1097.
14. Hu, X.L.; Li, J.; Chen, Q.Q.; Lin, Z.F.; Yin, D.Q.* Combined effects of aqueous suspensions of fullerene and humic acid on the availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Evaluated with negligible depletion solid-phase microextraction. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 493, 12-21.
15. Gu, Y.Y.; Yu, X.J.; Peng, J.F.; Chen, S.B.; Zhong, Y.Y.; Yin, D.Q.;Hu, X.L.*Simultaneous solid phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the highly sensitive determination of 15 endocrine disrupting chemicals in seafood. Journal of Chromatography B 2014, 965, 164-172.
16. Chen, Q. Q.; Yin, D. Q.; Zhu, S. J.; Hu, X. L.* Adsorption of Cadmium(II) on Humic Acid Coated Titanium Dioxide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2012, 367, 241-248.
17. Guo, X. P.; Yin, D. Q.; Peng, J. F.;Hu, X. L.* Ionic liquid based single-drop liquid phase microextraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography for determination of sulfonamides in environmental water. Journal of Separation Science 2012, 35(3), 452-458.
18. Hu, X. L.; Chen, Q. Q.; Jiang, L.; Yu, Z. Y.; Jiang, D. L.; Yin, D. Q.* Combined effects of titanium dioxide and humic acid on the bioaccumulation of cadmium in Zebrafish. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159 (5), 1151-1158.
19. Zhang, H. C.; Yu, X. J.; Yang, W. C.; Peng, J. F.; Xu, T.; Yin, D. Q.; Hu, X. L.* MCX based solid phase extraction combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of 31 endocrine-disrupting compounds in surface water of Shanghai. Journal of Chromatography B 2011, 879(28), 2998 -3004.
20. Hu, X. L.; Liu, J. F.*; Zhou, Q. F.; Lu, S. Y.; Liu, R.; Cui, L.; Yin, D. Q.; Mayer, P.; Jiang, G. B. Bioavailability of organochlorine compounds in aqueous suspensions of fullerene: Evaluated with medaka (Oryzias latipes) and negligible depletion solid-phase microextraction. Chemosphere 2010, 80(7), 693-700.
21. Hu, X. L.; Huang, Y. J.; Tao, Y.; Yin, D. Q.; Liu, J. F.* Hollow fiber membrane supported thin liquid film extraction for determination of trace phenoxy acid herbicides and phenols in environmental water samples. Microchimica Acta 2010, 168 (1-2), 23-29.
22. Hu, X. L.; Peng, J. F.; Huan, Y. J.; Yin, D. Q.; Liu, J. F.* Ionic liquids as mobile phase additives for high-performance liquid chromatography separation of phenoxy acid herbicides and phenols. Journal of Separation Science 2009, 32 (23-24), 4126-4132.
23. Hu, X. L.; Liu, J. F. *; Jonsson, J. A.; Jiang, G. B. Development of negligible depletion hollow fiber-protected liquid-phase microextraction for sensing freely dissolved triazines. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2009, 28(2), 231-238.
24. Hu, X. L.; Liu, J. F. *; Mayer, P.; Jiang, G.B. Impacts of some environmentally relevant parameters on the sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to aqueous suspensions of fullerene. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2008, 27(9), 1868-1874.
25. Hu, X. L.; Peng, J. F.; Liu, J. F.*; Jiang, G. B.; Jonssen, J. A. Evaluating the impacts of some environmentally relevant factors on the availability of bisphenol A with negligible-depletion SPME. Chemosphere 2006, 65 (11), 1935-1941.
26. 黄文平, 鲍轶凡, 胡霞林*, 尹大强. 黄浦江上游水源地中31种内分泌干扰物的分布特征以及生态风险评价. 环境化学 2020, 39(6), 1488-1495.
27. 黄文平, 胡霞林*, 尹大强. 超高效液相色谱串联质谱同时快速检测环境水体中31种内分泌干扰物. 环境化学 2017, 36(4) , 875-884.
28. 徐志法,赵卫佳, 张睿,赵彦凯,胡霞林*.太湖部分地区碘代三卤甲烷分布特征及其与藻类有机物的关系初探. 环境化学 2017, 36(12), 2541-2549.
29. 胡君剑,胡霞林*, 尹大强. 药品与个人护理品在鱼体中的累积及代谢研究进展. 生态毒理学学报 2015, 10(2), 89-99.
30. 谷云云, 胡霞林*, 尹大强. 极性有机化合物整合采样技术在水环境有机污染物监测中的应用. 环境化学 2013, 32(7), 1376-1387.
31. 胡霞林,刘景富*.微耗损固相微萃取技术及其在有机污染物自由溶解态浓度测定中的应用. 环境化学 2011, 30(1), 252-262.
32. 胡霞林, 刘景富*, 卢士燕, 江桂斌. 环境污染物的自由溶解态浓度与生物有效性. 化学进展 2009, 21(0203), 514-523.
1. Jiang, D.L.; Hu, X.L.; Jin, X.l.; Ma, A.j.; Yin, D.Q.* Oxidized nanoscale zero-valent iron changed the bioaccumulation and distribution of chromium in zebrafish. Chemosphere 2021,263, 128001.
2. Lin, S.J.; Yu, T.Y.; Yu, Z.Y.; Hu, X.L.; Yin, D.Q.* Nanomaterials Safer-by-Design: An Environmental Safety Perspective. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (17), 1705691.
3. Miao, J.J.; Chen, X.L.; Xu, T.; Yin, D.Q.*; Hu, X.L.; Sheng, G.D. Bioaccumulation, distribution and elimination of lindane in Eisenia foetida: The aging effect. Chemosphere 2018, 190, 350-357.
4. Jiang, D.L.; Hu, X.L.; Wang, R.; Wang, Y.J.; Yin, D.Q. * The decreasing aggregation of nanoscale zero-valent iron induced by trivalent chromium. Environmental Chemistry 2017, 14(2), 99-105.
5. Chen, Q.Q.;Hu, X.L.; Wang, R.; Yuan, J.; Yin, D.Q.* Fullerene inhibits benzo(a)pyrene efflux from Cyprinus carpio hepatocytes by affecting cell membrane fluidity and P-glycoprotein expression. Aquatic Toxicology 2016, 174, 36-45.
6. Chen, Q.Q.; Hu, X.L.; Yin, D.Q.*; Wang, R. Effect of subcellular distribution on nC(60) uptake and transfer efficiency from Scenedesmus obliquus to Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2016, 128, 213-221.
7. Jiang, D.L.; Hu X.L.; Wang, R., Yin, D.Q.* Oxidation of nanoscale zero-valent iron under sufficient and limited dissolved oxygen: Influences on aggregation behaviors. Chemosphere 2015, 122, 8-13.
8. Chen, Q.Q.; Yin, D.Q.*; Hu, X.L.; Wang, R.; Zhang, C. The effect of nC(60) on tissue distribution of ibuprofen in Cyprinus carpio. Science of the Total Environment 2014,496, 453-460.
9. Attia, T.M.S.;Hu, X.L.; Yin, D.Q.* Synthesised magnetic nanoparticles coated zeolite (MNCZ) for the removal of arsenic (As) from aqueous solution. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 2014, 9(6), 551-560.
10. Attia, T.M.S; Hu, X.L.; Yin D.Q.* Synthesized magnetic nanoparticles coated zeolite for the adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds from aqueous solution using batch and column studies. Chemosphere 2013, 93(9), 2076-2085.
11. Jiang, L.; Hu, X.L.; Xu, T.; Zhang, H.C.; Sheng, D.; Yin, D.Q.* Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes and their relationship with antibiotics in the Huangpu river and the drinking water sources, shanghai, china. Science of the Total Environment 2013,458, 267-272.
12. Jiang, L.; Hu, X. L.; Yin, D. Q.*; Zhang, H. C.; Yu, Z. Y. Occurrence, distribution and seasonal variation of antibiotics in the Huangpu River, Shanghai, China. Chemosphere 2011, 82(6), 822-828.
13. Zhang, H. C.; Hu, X. L.; Yin, D. Q. *; Lin, Z. F. Development of molecular docking-based binding energy to predict the joint effect of BPA and its analogues. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2011, 30(4), 318-327.
14. Tao, Y.; Liu, J. F. *; Hu, X. L.; Li, H. C.; Wang, T.; Jiang, G. B. Hollow fiber supported ionic liquid membrane microextraction for determination of sulfonamides in environmental water samples by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 2009, 1216 (35), 6259-6266.
15. Peng, J. F.; Liu, J. F.*; Hu, X. L.; Jiang, G. B. Direct determination of chlorophenols in environmental water samples by hollow fiber supported ionic liquid membrane extraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 2007, 1139(2), 165-170.
16. Liu, J. F.; Hu, X. L.; Peng, J. F.; Jonsson, J. A.; Mayer, P.; Jiang, G. B.* Equilibrium sampling of freely dissolved alkylphenols into a thin film of 1-octanol supported on a hollow fiber membrane. Analytical Chemistry 2006, 78 (24), 8526-8534.
1.《生物圈—谁是地球最后的生灵》,上海科技教育出版社,2011年。胡霞林 尹大强 译
1. 上海市科普教育创新二等奖:《我们脆弱的星球》系列丛书 (2014, 《生物圈》主译)
2. 上海市科技进步二等奖:基于风险分析和处置的供水预案关键技术 (2014,排名第10)
3. 肯特-杨钦环境教育奖励金(2020)
4. bat365官网登录入口bat365官网登录入口优秀班主任(2019, 2020)
5. bat365官网登录入口青年英才计划-优秀青年教师计划 (2012)
6. bat365官网登录入口青年英才计划-优秀青年教师培育计划(2010)
7. 慧信-胡家骏环境教育奖励金(2010)
8. bat365官网登录入口青年优秀人才培养行动计划 (2008)